横浜市英語塾  Another Rant : Monopoly should stay a board game

2024/08/13 ブログ

Did I pick Docomo to make a point?  Yes I did.  It is a modern example though not the only one.  It is also an example of a monopoly done badly.

Are the others?  Pretty much all the infrastructure we rely on for energy and heat.  Telecomms I covered already.  And we are on our way to bigger and more powerful monopolies.  Banks are the first that some to mind.  There are still many small independent local banks and credit unions, but not as many as there once was.  Even if there are many big name banks, for some reason, they all have similar MOs.  You would have thought that at least one of them would have seen the problem of passing around bundles of bad loans like hot potatoes.  They all got burned and we got stuck with the bail out bill.  Their punishment?  Some common sense regulations that normal people with ethics follow without being told so.  

There goes my anger again.  Let's try again later.

主張するためにドコモを選んだのでしょうか?  はい、そうでした。 
 これは現代の例ですが、唯一の例ではありません。  これは独占が悪

他は?  エネルギーのほぼすべてのインフラ。  通信についてはすで
に取り上げました。  そして私たちはより大きく、より強力な独占へ
の道を進んでいます。  銀行を真っ先に思い浮かべた。  地方銀行や
います。  彼らのうちの少なくとも1社は、不良債権の束を熱いジャガ
彼らは全員大損して、私たちはその救助をした。  彼らの罰は?  倫

また怒りが。。。  後でもう一度頑張りましょう。
