

  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Multiple Meanings of Mad

    The other day, a student was reading about the Roman emperor Caligula and came across a line that said 'fell to madness'.  They thought that he became really...
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Social Something

    What is social media?  What are SNSs? I think I have a good idea what they are and how they are being used.  Social Network Services (SNS) are online site...
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Not very coherent thoughts on ...

    Oh yeah, authority,  that's what I was thinking about.  In order for humans to do great things, they need to be organized in order to affect change on large ...
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Maybe more coherent thoughts o...

    Humans have found out that they are more successful as a group than as individuals.  Hunting, farming, building stuff, running a business, etc...  All these ...
  • 横浜市英語塾  2024 Soybeans- Reaching Higher!

    Maybe it's because the weather has been gray, but the plants look greener than ever.  It even looks like some flower buds are forming!
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Random thoughts on civilization

    I think I found my feet on this one. Strangers.  Not us, therefore viewed as dangerous just to be safe.  This is an issue that our ancestors dealt with, a...
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Random thoughts

    Looking back on one of my last posts, I think I hit on something that any historian has probably already seen.  The fact that humans naturally set up systems...
  • 横浜市英語塾  2024 Soybeans- Culling

    They are finally big enough for me to pick out the smaller ones and focus the nutrients on the fast growers. I really feels bad to do so, but that's the w...
  • ロゴ

    横浜市英語塾 Businessss?

    Is this the best place to be unloading my cynicism?  As an educator, probably not.  As a believer in free speech and a card carrying member of society, sure,...