横浜市英語塾 Random thoughts #814
2024/09/05Communisim is a perfect system. If you take the humans out. And it's good at doing that too. -
横浜市英語塾 The sun hurts
2024/08/26I spent last week with my kids. My son is in junior high and is getting out of the house every so often to see friends, practice for club activites, and do ... -
横浜市英語塾 Another Rant : Monopoly shou...
2024/08/13Did I pick Docomo to make a point? Yes I did. It is a modern example though not the only one. It is also an example of a monopoly done badly. Are the o... -
横浜市英語塾 Another Rant : Proof monopol...
2024/08/09Emojis are great. They even got a hollywood movie that flopped. Who could have seen that coming? I met a person who firmly believed that the curly poop em... -
横浜市英語塾 Another Rant : Proof monopol...
2024/08/02Here we go again. In the 90s, Japan was at the cutting edge of consumer IT technologies. Cell phones were everywhere. The ability to instantly communica... -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean RIP
2024/07/22A single day without water and this is the result. Le sigh... -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean 判明
2024/07/16I am five nines certain that the problem with our soybeans is over nitrogenation of the soil. This probably happened when I was prepping the soil early in ... -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean 対象方
2024/07/02Alright. So I checked around to find out why the soybeans aren't flowering. Two possible reason. One. Not enough time in the dark. That apparently trig... -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean Trouble!
2024/06/28This does not look good. Only one planter looks like this, so I'll separate them just in case it's a disease. -
2024/06/21Weekdays July 22-August 16 8:00~14:00 プライベートレッスン 半額! 希望の時間帯連絡してください! よろしくお願いいたします。 -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean Hydration
2024/06/13This is what happened after one day of no water. Quite shocking! 1日断水したらこうなりました。 かなりの衝撃です! -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybean Jungle
2024/06/10The weather has been really good for plants this spring. Nice warm sunny stretches punctuated with short rains. You can see the results here! -
横浜市英語塾 Multiple Meanings of Maddening
2024/06/06So this is where I come to the point. Damage caused to the brain for any reason; concussive force, long period of high fever, prions (the cause of spong... -
横浜市英語塾 2024 Soybeans- Tasty
2024/06/04Someone has found the leaves of our soybeans delicious already! すでにうちの枝豆の葉がおいしいと誰かが気づいた! -
横浜市英語塾 Multiple Meanings of Madness
2024/06/03Unfortunately the Roman citizens could not vote out their emperor. They could vote for their senators, who could then maybe try to pull strings behind the s... -
横浜市英語塾 Multiple Meanings of Mad
2024/05/31The other day, a student was reading about the Roman emperor Caligula and came across a line that said 'fell to madness'. They thought that he became really...